Category Retirement Transition

Time Diversification: Stocks are less risky over the long-term??? (Not!)

(Originally posted August 6, 2010) The myth of “time diversification” promises that if you invest (in risky assets) for the long-term you can eliminate risk, i.e. time reduces/eliminates risk. Tell that to somebody who was invested for 20 years with a 100% stock allocation (e.g.S&P500) and was planning to retire in the spring of 2009; […]

Is retirement past its prime?

Is Retirement Past its Prime?  Last week I attended an interesting and informative CFA Institute sponsored talk by Michael Falk of ProManage on the above topic. He points out that, while the nature of retirement is an individual choice, societal implications and fiscal viability of these individual choices will be determined by demographics in the […]

Pension or lump sum

Pension or Lump Sum? Reading Theo Francis’ “Pension tension: figuring out when to lump it”  in the WSJ, reminded me of the time when I had to make the decision, about five years ago. For what it’s worth, I’ll later give you some of my rationale for choosing to go with a pension, rather than […]


(Originally posted February 7, 2007) Overview  As we are approaching retirement there are many things to consider. The primary focus of this website is financial rather than lifestyle oriented. However, the choice of lifestyle will dramatically affect income requirements. 1. First the ‘what’: -what do you plan do in retirement? Part-time work, volunteer, study, travel? […]