Category Target-Date Funds

Target-Date Funds a passing fad? Problems and solutions to using TDFs as a 401(k) default or option

In a nutshell Since target date funds (TDFs) became available as a permissible default or an option for 401(k) accounts, their popularity has been exploding, with predictions that within a decade 50% of 401(k) funds will be in TDFs. But some are raising valid concerns about these supposed “one decision” “low/no maintenance” funds. Given the […]

Are “target-date” funds or age-independent “fixed-asset allocation” right for you?

Are “target-date” funds or age-independent “fixed-asset allocation” right for you? In “Target-date funds I”  and “Target-date funds II”  I discussed some of the advantages and disadvantages of target-date funds and some simple methods for doing a low-cost implementation. In my May 11, 2008 Hot Off the Web blog I referred to a recent article in […]

Target-Date Funds II

Target-Date Funds II A few weeks ago in my Target-Date Funds (also called Lifecycle Funds) blog, I outlined some of the advantages and potential problems with them. I promised to look at a simple model that you may choose to use to implement your own custom Lifecycle/Target Date Fund using existing ETFs. In “Lifecycle funds: […]

Target-Date Funds I

Target-Date Funds Target-Date funds have a lot to offer. They are supposed to be a “single decision” fund and completely maintenance free. Once you selected your target retirement date, then just choose the Target-Date fund closest to that date and you are set until retirement. Life-time income funds are the complementary “single decision” funds that […]